2009年10月29日 星期四

Simple File Manager

The features of this application have two
1. Tree directory display
2. Infinite icon scroll list

It also support generic file operations:
copy, move, delete, rename, compress, uncompress, mkdir, get file informations of file/directory, search file.

You have different method to use these generic file operation.
1. For Tree mode
Check your selected files, then choice a directory/file, long click to show operation list, then click a operation. the checked files will copy(or other operations) to long click place.

2. For Icon mode
Check your selected files,, then change to your desired directory, and press MENU key to show operation list, click a operation, finally the checked files will copy(or other operations) to directory now.

One click can open image/audio/video, install/uninstall application packages.

